For someone who loves to write I sure suck at blogging. I guess I don't find me very interesting to write about haha!
Not much new around the home front. We are getting excited to head to Florida for a little M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!! should be fun fun fun, and no Dad is going to take our T-bird away!
So here is something interesting. A friend of mine want to follow eachother's very sparce blogs and of course we can't figure out how I can add me as her Stalk- errr I mean follower. I guess it is one of those things I will just have to figure out eventually, through hrs of obessing. That is ok I am good at obsessive conpulsive behaviour. I actually get a BIG A+++++ in obsessions.
So right now I am reading My sister's Keeper (yes on my pda... that obsession hasn't lessened since my last blog entry a gazzilon yrs ago.) and I am liking it!! Although I am conflicted... read the book you will understand what I mean. I started Inkheart and put it away for now because I just can't get into it and I am in the mood for something good to read.
Missy girl started to walk, and has shown me that everyone lied.... GIRLS ARE NOT easier than boys... well not girls born after five brothers that is for sure. That female child of mine is going to give me a run for my money. That is ok. I will take it, I like strong females, and expect nothing less from a daughter of MINE.
As for the boys? Baby boy #3 finally lost his front tooth, and we all jumped for joy because finally he will stop whinning about his tooth and the blood that comes from it just dangling there. As for the rest of the kiddoes. Baby boy #1 turns 19yrs old in 3 days... yup he can get smashing drunk and has the "law" on his side now. Woo hoo, lucky me. Mama told me there would be days like this.... she sure wasn't bull Sh#tting. Thanks Ma!
Back to the front lines, it is going to be a bumpy ride.
Cinderella Inspired Hairstyle
10 years ago
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