Monday, October 27, 2008

Ebooks and ereaders

I am 100% addicted to ebooks. I own a Dell pda and have downloaded hundrends of ebooks on it. I am currently reading The Poisonwood Bible and am enjoying it very much. Another great book read in ebook form.

So My PDA is one I bought on ebay for under $90 US dollars. (before the Canadian dollar went so down down down.) I got a memory card (1g). The reason such a good price>??? It is a 2004 brand new Dell LOL, so it is alittle outdated for todays standards I guess. I don't care I only wanted it to read ebooks. And after downloading adope 2.0 and Micrsoft reader and changing any Word document into rich text, I am in reading HEAVEN!

So before I bought my pda on ebay, I did some searching. I was very tempted to buy the Kindle and even the Sony reader but decided against it because of having to use only their store of books. BUT I will say I am waiting.... on pins and needles to what the new Kindle (or Sony reader or any reader for that matter) has to bring. Give me something to add my ebooks I have already with the e-ink page like screen and I am all over it.. for a more decent price that is LOL.

Monday, October 20, 2008

addicted to adoption

I always wanted a daughter, and I always wanted many sons.

I didn't know I wanted a large family but life's little surprises showed me otherwise. I didn't know I would have this large family of 5 boys and one girl and before there was a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th son and before there was a little baby girl at the end of 5 boys. I wanted a child and couldn't' seem to have one. My husband wasn't keen on adopting and I always have been ever since I had my first son. I didn't enjoy pregnancy and well I also didn't enjoy the recovery afterwards. But I always love the baby, always. And I wanted to be a mother again. Low and behold it wouldn't happen so easy. But with the help of clomid, I was able to go on and have 3 more sons, and then my opps! Avery and double opps before the Vasectomy Ameline. :)

After my 4th son though, I started to look into adoption for a daughter. I researched like crazy and tried to figure out what way I could adopt that would be realistic for our situation. I had decided on foster to adopt and then found out I was pg with my 5th son, after he was born I was back on the adoption train to get my baby girl and low and behold this girl who couldn't get pregnant without the help of fertility drugs was knocked up again but this time with my sweet baby girl.
I feel overly blessed and lucky to have the family I have always dreamed of... super sized.

But adoption still plagues me. I am drawn to it, adoption blogs, message boards. Anything to do with adoption and I am totally in love with Ethiopia right now. MY gawd the children are beautiful. I can't get their faces out of my mind. I know if I ever become a best selling author and have the $$ and resources to handle more children (that means hired help LOL) I would LOVE to adopt a boy and girl from Ethiopia... I already have their names I would want August Whilder and Aila Fae or Aila Katherine (Aila pronounced EYE-la)

(((sigh))) but the reality of my world right now is I am run off my feet, over worked and under paid and my crew is more than enough for me to handle. But in my perfect world, I have two more children adopted from Ethiopia and I am a best selling author with plenty of money and help.

TO DREAM! To dream! Cant' give up on your dreams. Never know what the future holds.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I really want to start getting off my butt and writing. I need to stop thinking and start doing it again. I am really pleased with what I have already for "THE LAST BOY" I think it may be the best writing I have ever done. It is nearly finished, I need to just DO IT. I find it so hard though since I have no motivation and although I am very much a planner, scheduling my life down to the tee, I procrastinate when it comes to writing. WHY??? I am here writing this. Why do I do it with writing???

I was talking today with a guy I went to high school with and he wrote a book.( and I can hear the excitement in his voice for writing... the kind of excitement I use to have when it came to writing. I need to find that again. I blame a lot of it on kids and stuff but that shouldn't' be an excuse. If you want something bad enough you have to GO FOR IT. I am a big believer in this, because I know it is true. It is my fav motto from the 1970's little mermaid cartoon. "Believe in your dreams and they'll all come true, the rest of your life is up to you"


So I better start believing because I REALLY really want to write novels for a living. I want to give up the scissors and write write write. I have so many ideas, so many books started, I could easily write till the day I die... well I will write till the day I die but it would be nice if someone wanted to READ IT HAHAH!

I have always envisioned certain things I want in life. Saw it in my head and so far the majority of those things have come to reality.... I even saw myself pregnant at a book signing at Coles bookstore in the mall I live near... I saw it when I was only a teenager.... I didn't understand the pregnant part since back then I didn't plan to have any children, but I just knew I would have a book signing there... and I did yrs later in 2005 when I was pregnant with my 5th son, Avery. So yeah I believe if I can see it in my mind, it will happen. I just can't picture it NOT happening. And I do feel like it is close, like something is about to open up and happen. I also know I need to get off the Internet and start writing!!!

Did I mention one of my fav characters in "THE LAST BOY" named Serena keeps haunting me?? She keeps saying "COME ON, I have so much to tell so get your butt in here (yes "their" world) and write it" LOL I love her evil self (opps probably shouldn't have said that part) she is just a character I NEVER planned on being such an important person in the novel. I based her on a fellow mom of many boys named Serena... that is where the similarities end. My character Serena has a life all her own HAHA!

ok so that is my rambling for today. I am pretty sure no one really reads this but it feels good to let loose my verbal garbage.

Attached is the picture I want for my newest novel. It is my 3rd son when hew as only 3yrs old. I dreamed it and took it the next day.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Quote from Epicurus and Kate

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”

Now if that isn't the quote for all.

Lately I have been extremely overwhelmed. Just fed up, tired and DONE with everything. I sometimes just want to run away I am so knee deep in crap to do. I want to lay around and read, watch sappy movies and eat bad food. But no I get up get the boys off to school, work out, do some running around and fold a ton of laundry and put it away, then do hair all afternoon and get the boys then hair all night and start all over again the next day. Boo hoo Deena. Well I saw this quote today on a gender determination board. I use to frequent them a lot when I wanted a daughter so badly.

It just struck me as so true. When I just had one son for 11yrs, I wanted another baby ANY baby so badly. With the help of Clomid I finally got him, then I wanted a girl, and well that went on for yrs. During that time I did love what I had already but I constantly wanted more. Now I look back over the past 8yrs and I can't believe that once upon a time, I just wanted one more child. .... and now my oldest is about to be 19yrs old.
Now I have those children and I want "just to become a successful writer"
It is always something with me. I am glad I am driven and determine, but I need to stop and smell the rose so to speak... be grateful for what I DO have, because is is A LOT more than some and many would love to have what I do have.... 6 healthy beautiful (sometimes little demons) children.
Yes it is hard right now juggling it all, but those monster babies are worth it. Every single one of them from the oldest down to the youngest. I will succeed as a writer, as long as I put my fullest effort into it... when I look at the truth of things, I am not putting my fullest effort into it. I don't write on my book every day like I should and I don't promote Poppies like I should. So what I do need to do is stop complaining and get my butt in gear to succeed in what I still want... but I have to look at what I do have and be grateful at the same time.

What is it that Kate from John and Kate plus 8 says?

"Today, I could very well lose my mind........(I will put raising 6 kids here LOL)

It might be a crazy life, but it's our life"

Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out.... it isn't suppose to be easy I guess

Saturday, October 11, 2008

almost broke my leg!

So a couple of little girls from our neighbourhood came to sell some "cards" for .25cents each around 3:30ish yesterday. So I decided to buy some and as I went to get a looney to buy 4 cards for my 4 younger boys.... my youngest son Avery decides to sit on the top step. I turn to go down those steps not seeing him and of course TRIPPED on him... Not wanting to hurt him I some how leeped over him and basicly nose dived down the flight of WOODEN steps head first into the stroller. I landed on my leg and thought for sure it was broken. Long story short, it isn't broken, but very badly sprained and bruised. I am on crutches for a few days (but I am not using them because in my house of horrors that is asking to break a leg for sure next time) so tomorrow Thanksgiving dinner should be interesting LOL and I am taking all 6kids for pictures also tomorrow.Had to cancel all my appointments today (clients understood) and last night and so I am forced on few day rest... which is actually AWESOME because I am so overwelmed lately.Thank goodness it isn't broken. I work from home I don't get sick pay and PMS would be a walk in the park to deal with than me held up for months in a cast.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The obsession with THE DUGGERS

Why oh WHY am I addicted to watching what is going on with this family??? I mean they make my family seem small, I am NOT big into organized religion, they seem to perfect and YET I WATCH..... everytime, and when I see a new show I get all excited and get all cozied up on the couch and watch....

Last night their son Josh got engaged to little mama clone Anna (I actually think they are so adorable) I patheticly went and checked out their website and discovered that Josh and Anna were married the end of Sept. Well you know I will be looking forward to watching nerdy adorable Josh's wedding. I just think he is so handsome! I seriously do, even though I find him geeky but in a sweet way "I would be so proud of you son" way.

Am I weird?? Why do they interest me. I mean I watch the cheaper by the dozen shows too and don't find myself as excited as I do when the Duggers come on LOL. Maybe I find them sincere?? Maybe I actually believe that what they are saying is really going on??? I don't always feel that with the other large families on TLC. (I can't stand John and Kate +8 they just get on my nerves and they are MORE like my family than NOT LOL)

And although I have 6 kids I am not really that big into big families... I didn't go forth and say lets procreate... things happened and suddenly I was one of "those" people who had a larger family (small to the Duggers) If someone asks me should they have a large family I can't say OH Yeah go for it, I have to say well think about it... they don't stay babies forever and several toddlers/small children IS ALOT of work... teens are another ball park all together.
And one word.... LAUNDRY lots and lots of
BUT I am not against it that is for sure. I adore my kids, even if they are putting me in the funny farm.

Ok this is long, but I had to get it off my chest.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

books books and more books

So recently I have become addicted to ebooks. I search the net constantly for new ebooks to put on my pda. I just love it! I know have over 300 books on my pda actually probably even more than that but I am too lazy to count them.

I am in reader HEAVEN!

I love to read. It takes you away, makes you feel all comfy and cozy. There is nothing like a good book to escape to and lately I want to escape A LOT.

Books I am reading right now. (in paperback not ebook)
Saffron Skies
I love this author and just discovered in a rather funny way. I was googling my daughter's name Ameline, trying to get an idea what Amelines look like LOL Ok maybe that isn't normal but I do it with my kids names... remember I am addicted to names so this seems perfectly normal to google.
Well I came across
Bitter Chocolate has a main character named Ameline and well.......... yes I bought the book based on her name. I am sure the author says it am-meh-LEEN but I don't care I bought the book and enjoyed it so much I bought her first two books. I like this author and I will keep my eyes open for future books.

I am also TRYING to get through New Moon. The second instalment in the Twilight series. I know I know, everyone loves these books and I am really trying to give it a chance but man... I am not feeling the love, specially for Edward. Now Louis in Interview with a vampire. I get.

I have also just stumbled on an author that I normally probably would never read but I am tempted to see what she is all about
MaryJanice Davidson and her Undead series. I found all of them on ebook so I am going to give them a go. Why not, might as well expand my horizons.

I like all sorts of books, I enjoy complex thrillers and light chick lits. What I am reading and what I think of the book I am reading WILL be a topic I write about in my blog.

So off I go to curl up (kids are in bed) with a good book. There ain't nothing like it.

Friday, October 3, 2008

wanted to share my book Poppies. Here is a link to the ebook. I figure if I want to be a famous writer people have to see my book and read it so that when THE LAST BOY comes out they will be hungry for it and want to buy it. So here it is, I hope someone one read it and LOVE IT and spread the word. Besides being a mother, being a success writer is my other equally biggest dream.

You know the saying Believe in your dreams and they'll all cme true! The rest of your life is up to you.

my Motto for life.

Hope you enjoy

Nursery Rhyme equal to life

One two buckle my shoe
Three, four, knock at the door
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, eight, lay them straight
Nine, ten, a big fat hen
Eleven, twelve, dig and delve
Thirteen, fourteen, maids a-courting
Fifteen, sixteen, maids in the kitchen
Seventeen, eighteen, maids in waiting
Nineteen, twenty, my plate's empty

Isn't that the philosphey of life. So true so true

The beginning

So I thought I would do this blog thing. Tell the tales of a mom of 6 kids... five boys and one girl. Get my thoughts out there, write some and more.

It isn't always easy being a mom but it has it rewards big time.

The low down on Deena +6. Well there is a Todd(hehe) he would be the Dada in this story, and me aka the Mama and then there are THE BOYS aka "THE A TEAM" and the GIRL aka Missy. All ranging in ages from 18yrs old to 11months old.

They drive me to drink sometimes but BOY you got to love them. They are giving me a past that one day I am going to laugh till my gut wants to bust and my jaw wants to crack. oh and don't forget the blackmail for future wives and a hubby. YOU WATCH you kiddies of mine!! Wait what I am going to share on your wedding days!

This is my life for sure and I wouldn't trade it, even though sometimes I wouldn't mind a little escape!

First order of conversation. My children's names. Yes I am one of "those" I did it... I admit it. I named all my children with the letter A. A is a great letter... beginning of the alphebet and all, but I will admit, I didn't start out planning to name my troups all A names... but then again I didn't start out planning to have 6 kids!
Oldest Anthony. Well what can I say, I have always loved the name. Ok when I ever torture myself and watch one of those insane Nanny reality shows I am a little put off that ALL the monster boys are named Anthony, but whateve... my Anthony was more the "St Anthony" when he was growing up. He was a pure joy to raise as a little boy... teens another story but every child should fall off the parentally induced pedestal at some point. Don't yah think???
Fast forward 11yrs later. After a rough start trying to concieve #2 HERE COMES BOY #2!! Woo hoo!!
Aidyn.. yes it is super popular, yup there is a Y in his name. But it was a name we loved for some time and (still do) and although it starts with an A I also wanted Avery (since Anthony was about 2yrs old I have wanted this name) and I wanted Luca.... I also liked Elliot. Toddie boy, on the other hand DID NOT want Avery (you know the whole attraction of boy names on girl thing) and he out and out refused to name his child after a hot guy on ER........ again..... whateve hubby. Besides Aidyn with a Y had alot of special meaning for husband and Anthony. Enough said when baby was born, screaming and flailing those scrawny little arms and legs born 3 weeks early... and the runt of the litter by far (although we wouldn't know he was the runt for several more yrs) Aidyn he was.. and Aidyn it surely is.... interesting that now I find Aidyn of any spelling to also seem like little holy terrors.... mine included.... no "St Aidyn" here LOL, but I am hoping that changes when he hits the teens... WHAT it could happen!

baby #3
Ansen. Not done on purpose either, names that were on the table till 4 weeks before he was born. Avery, (again the boy names on girl thing Dad issue) Elliot... loved Billy Elliot, Myles and the number one name we had was Ethan... I think it was like #2 in the boy names in 2002. We didn't find out with Ansen what we were having... but I had a dream about 4 weeks before he was born that he was a boy. Anthony, Aidyn and Myles just didn't do it for me for a sib set, so I sent Todd out into the wilderness of names and said
"Find me a 3rd son name, make it so #1)
and he did, he came home one night as I waddled around miserably and announced, "What do you think of the name Ansen>????"
WTF?? I am a Anthony and Aidyn girl??? I am all over top 10 names, here is my hubby all proud of his name choice asking me if I like Ansen as a name for our 3rd son. ummmm.........ok.

BUT THEN, I did it... you know the thing us moms do when we are trying out a name. I said it with my other boys names. Anthony, Aidyn and Ansen.......... perfect. It was the fit I was not feeling with the other names. It was the name.
I had a hard time telling people at first his name. (hey it was no Ethan! I am comfortable with Ethan!) but as I looked down on my 3rd son, who at birth was mistaken for being albino........ there was no other name that suited him, He was and still is my sweet Ansen. And of course now I KNOW how much the name ROCKS. To think I thought it was too out there once upon a time!

Son #4 well A name it was after #3 was named a name starting with A, there was no going back.
I still wanted Avery... and hubby was starting to falter.. but still not enough. So again Hubby comes home (and son #4 wasn't even concieved YET!) and says Dee what do you think of the name Arris?? Again the look of horror on my face, followed by the naming in order Anthony, Aidyn, Ansen and Arris......... yup you got it. The same dawning realization that it fit perfect. And it means Excellent and BEST. So of course I instantly fell in love... and knew of course that we would have son #4! And an Amazing 4th son to boot.

Son #5
What can I say. After having to use fertility drugs to get sons #2,3 and 4 what a surprise to learn we were having another baby. Of course Hubby had no choice. Son #5 was going to be Avery PERIOD. End of story.
Coincidentally Avery means ruler of the elves and well, our Avery has one ear that is the exact shap of an elf's. I have a little story I like to tell the kids that Avery is really the Elf king sent to live with us in disguise (hense the one elf ear as the only clue to his true identity) we are keeping his safe from the enemies of the forest until it is time for him to take his rule of the forest.... yeah he will probably need a good Shrink when he is older, but HEY who doesn't these days.

Regardless, my Avery Kai-Kai is my special person. He is my little soul mate and a life lesson that surprises are special gifts from the universe.

GIRL #1! What the heck!?!?! We didn't think we could grow one of those!!! Missy girl snuck in right before Dad's big V... yes you are guessing it right the big snip snip V. And what a great gift she is. Well all our girl names have not been A names but I had a dream (I have had many and one day I will tell the kid dreams) anways I had a dream before I was pregnant with her and then it kept repeating itself over and over again... in more detail of course. and in it a voice kept telling me I was having a girl and her name was Ameline, pronounced am-meh-LINE (side not this name is most commonly said am-meh-LEEN). I thought the voice was saying Emmeline, until the jewelery box dreams with the name all spelt different. Either way I did some research and found the old french Ameline. I still wasn't sold on it until I found out she truelly was a girl and the dreams became so insistant that she was Ameline. AND BOY is she an Ameline. My Sweet Ameline.

So there you have it, in all it's corny full blown truth. I wouldn't change a thing, I love all their names and it is very much THEM. BUT baby namers beware this is how you have large families with all the same letters. It starts out innocently with just a love of a name, not even a letter and next thing you know you are the "A" version of the Duggers well minus 10 or so kids!

LOL this is fun.