I really want to start getting off my butt and writing. I need to stop thinking and start doing it again. I am really pleased with what I have already for "THE LAST BOY" I think it may be the best writing I have ever done. It is nearly finished, I need to just DO IT. I find it so hard though since I have no motivation and although I am very much a planner, scheduling my life down to the tee, I procrastinate when it comes to writing. WHY??? I am here writing this. Why do I do it with writing???
I was talking today with a guy I went to high school with and he wrote a book.(http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/One-Hand-Screaming-Mark-Leslie/9780973568806-item.html) and I can hear the excitement in his voice for writing... the kind of excitement I use to have when it came to writing. I need to find that again. I blame a lot of it on kids and stuff but that shouldn't' be an excuse. If you want something bad enough you have to GO FOR IT. I am a big believer in this, because I know it is true. It is my fav motto from the 1970's little mermaid cartoon. "Believe in your dreams and they'll all come true, the rest of your life is up to you"
So I better start believing because I REALLY really want to write novels for a living. I want to give up the scissors and write write write. I have so many ideas, so many books started, I could easily write till the day I die... well I will write till the day I die but it would be nice if someone wanted to READ IT HAHAH!
I have always envisioned certain things I want in life. Saw it in my head and so far the majority of those things have come to reality.... I even saw myself pregnant at a book signing at Coles bookstore in the mall I live near... I saw it when I was only a teenager.... I didn't understand the pregnant part since back then I didn't plan to have any children, but I just knew I would have a book signing there... and I did yrs later in 2005 when I was pregnant with my 5th son, Avery. So yeah I believe if I can see it in my mind, it will happen. I just can't picture it NOT happening. And I do feel like it is close, like something is about to open up and happen. I also know I need to get off the Internet and start writing!!!
Did I mention one of my fav characters in "THE LAST BOY" named Serena keeps haunting me?? She keeps saying "COME ON, I have so much to tell so get your butt in here (yes "their" world) and write it" LOL I love her evil self (opps probably shouldn't have said that part) she is just a character I NEVER planned on being such an important person in the novel. I based her on a fellow mom of many boys named Serena... that is where the similarities end. My character Serena has a life all her own HAHA!
ok so that is my rambling for today. I am pretty sure no one really reads this but it feels good to let loose my verbal garbage.
Attached is the picture I want for my newest novel. It is my 3rd son when hew as only 3yrs old. I dreamed it and took it the next day.
1 comment:
I know how it feels to let life get you sidetracked (especially the kids thing) but I have no doubt its just a few, minor potholes in the road of life! You wouldn't have gotten the gift if you weren't meant to use it, and you most definately still have that fire inside you!! :)
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