I always wanted a daughter, and I always wanted many sons.
I didn't know I wanted a large family but life's little surprises showed me otherwise. I didn't know I would have this large family of 5 boys and one girl and before there was a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th son and before there was a little baby girl at the end of 5 boys. I wanted a child and couldn't' seem to have one. My husband wasn't keen on adopting and I always have been ever since I had my first son. I didn't enjoy pregnancy and well I also didn't enjoy the recovery afterwards. But I always love the baby, always. And I wanted to be a mother again. Low and behold it wouldn't happen so easy. But with the help of clomid, I was able to go on and have 3 more sons, and then my opps! Avery and double opps before the Vasectomy Ameline. :)
After my 4th son though, I started to look into adoption for a daughter. I researched like crazy and tried to figure out what way I could adopt that would be realistic for our situation. I had decided on foster to adopt and then found out I was pg with my 5th son, after he was born I was back on the adoption train to get my baby girl and low and behold this girl who couldn't get pregnant without the help of fertility drugs was knocked up again but this time with my sweet baby girl.
I feel overly blessed and lucky to have the family I have always dreamed of... super sized.
But adoption still plagues me. I am drawn to it, adoption blogs, message boards. Anything to do with adoption and I am totally in love with Ethiopia right now. MY gawd the children are beautiful. I can't get their faces out of my mind. I know if I ever become a best selling author and have the $$ and resources to handle more children (that means hired help LOL) I would LOVE to adopt a boy and girl from Ethiopia... I already have their names I would want August Whilder and Aila Fae or Aila Katherine (Aila pronounced EYE-la)
(((sigh))) but the reality of my world right now is I am run off my feet, over worked and under paid and my crew is more than enough for me to handle. But in my perfect world, I have two more children adopted from Ethiopia and I am a best selling author with plenty of money and help.
TO DREAM! To dream! Cant' give up on your dreams. Never know what the future holds.
Cinderella Inspired Hairstyle
10 years ago
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